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Radiation Monitoring Badge Service

Radiation Monitoring Badge Service

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Wolf’s OSL (Optically Stimulated Luminescence) badges provide 90-day monitoring using the latest technology to accurately monitor your personal exposure to radiation. The badge has 4 elements for radiation detection and a 3-month usage before being read, unlike “film” badges which need to be read every month. Badges are punch-coded and have control numbers for easy tracking. You will receive accurate reports performed by a Panasonic TLD reader that’s equipped with a micro-computer which controls QA functions that assure an accurate reading.

There are:

  • NO charges for set up or staff changes
  • NO charge for replacement reports
  • NO control badge charges


Every 3 months, for a year, a new badge will be automatically sent along with an envelope for returning your present badge. The returned badge is processed and a report generated and sent to you. If any reading exceeds NRC safety standards we will contact you immediately.

Simply fill out an enrollment form or call Wolf at 800.356.9729. New enrollments begin when your current service runs out.